Fender Aerodyne - if looks could kill

Every guitarist has this once in a while... Falling in love with a guitar because the way it looks...

Currently, one of the most beautiful guitars for me are the Fender Aerodynes series:

It's made in Japan, exists in Telecaster, Stratocaster and Jazz Bass models, has binding on the front and a painted headstock (I simply love this).

As you might have noticed, the back is shaped more curved than a regular model. And although they exist in different colors, the black one still look the best to me.

Unfortunately it looks like Fender discontinued the model. And whe looking online for a used one, they are often quiet damaged. Only model that seems to continue to exist is the Jazz Bass model.

If only they were made in the U.S., I'm sure they would have been a hit. If they had the binding body option on their custom shop list as well as the painted headstock, than I might start saving for a Fender custom shop guitar...

I just hope to have the chance to buy a mint one in the future...


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